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  • 2017-04-26 01:46


  工商管理学院(Faculty of Business Administration)


  会计学院 Bachelor of Accountancy (B.Acc.)

  会计 (Accounting)

  工商管理 Bachelor of Business Administration Program (B.B.A.)

  市场营销 (Marketing)

  管理 (Management)

  商务电脑 (Business Computer)

  金融与银行 (Finance and Banking)

  国际运输 (International Transportation)

  人力资源管理 (Human Resource Management)

  艺术传播学院(Faculty of Communication Arts)

  传播艺术学士学位课程 Bachelor of Communication Arts Program (B.Comm.Arts.)

  广告学系 (Department of Advertising)

  公共关系学系 (Department of Public Relations)

  广播系 (Department of Broadcasting)

  电影数码系 (Department of Film and Digital Media)

  新闻及新媒体系 (Department of Journalism and New Media)

  当代电影演艺学系 (Department of Contemporary Performing Arts Communication)

  法学院(Faculty of Law)

  法律程序学 Bachelor of Law Program (LL.B.)

  法律 (Law)

  科学与技术学院(Faculty of Science & Technology)

  科学学士课程 Bachelor of Science Program (B.Sc.)

  计算机信息学 (Computer Information Science)

  工程学院(Faculty of Engineering)

  工程专业学士 Bachelor of Engineering Program (B.ENG.)

  工业工程 (Industrial Engineering)

  土木工程 (Civil Engineering)

  机械工程 (Mechanical Engineering)

  电气工程 (Electrical Engineering)

  电气工程 (Electrical Engineering)

  计算机工程 (Computer Engineering)

  电子与通信工程 (Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering)

  工业技术学士课程 Bachelor of Industrial Technology Program (B.Ind.Tech.)

  工业工程技术 (Industrial Engineering Technology)

  电气工程 (Electrical Engineering)

  心理学系(Faculty of Psychology)

  艺术心理学 Bachelor of Arts Program in Psychology (B.A.)

  心理学 (Psychology)

  建筑学院(Faculty of Architecture)

  建筑学课程学士 Bachelor of Architecture Program (B.Arch.)

  建筑 (Architecture)

  美术学学士课程 Bachelor of Fine Arts Program (B.F.A)

  室内设计 (Interior Design)

  美术学学士课程 Bachelor of Fine Arts Program (B.F.A.)

  视觉传达设计 (Visual Communication Design)

  产品设计 (Product Design)

  文理学院(Faculty of Liberal Arts)

  文学课程学士 Bachelor of Liberal Arts Program (B.A.)

  酒店管理 (Hotel Management)

  旅游管理 (Tourism Management)

  艺术学士课程 Bachelor of Arts Program (B.A.)

  服装设计 (Fashion Design)

  体育科学学院(Faculty of Sports Science)

  运动科技学士课程 Bachelor of Science Program in Sports Science (B.Sc.)

  体育科学 (Sport Science)

  文学学士课程 Bachelor of Arts Program in Sports and Recreation Management for Health (B.A.)

  体育运动健康管理学 (Sport and Recreation Management for Health)

  护理学科学系(Faculty of Nursing Science)

  护理学学士课程Bachelor of Nursing Science Program (B.N.S.)

  航空人员发展研究所(Aviation Personnel Development Institute (APDI))

  航空艺术学 Bachelor of Arts Program in Airline Business (B.A.)


  航空艺术管理 Master of Arts Program in Aviation Management (M.A.)

  International Program

  Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Aviation Industry Management (B.B.A.)


  Undergraduate Programs

  酒店艺术管理课程 Bachelor of Arts in Hotel Management (B.A.)

  英语传播 Bachelor of Arts in English for Communication (B.A.)

  工商管理学士 Bachelor of Business Administration(B.B.A.)


  对外泰语Bachelor of Arts in Thai Language for foreigners(B.A.)


  工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

  市场营销 Marketing

  管理学 Management

  金融学 Finance

  信息资讯管理学 Management Information Systems


学校名称: 泰国博乐大学




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